Covid-19 Update

Redvine International takes our direction from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), as well as state and local health departments for live and up-to-date guidance on COVID-19. 

We want to assure you we take the health and safety of you and your family very seriously. 

Redvine International adheres to the recommendations of the CDC to prevent the spread of the virus as well as how to care for and treat patients who may be diagnosed with COVID-19.

In light of the spread of COVID-19, our offices may at times be closed to the general public.

When Visiting Our Offices:

  • Please wear a mask. If you can not wear one, please contact our offices and we can schedule a virtual appointment.
  • Make an appointment. This way we can better space our appointments throughout the day.
  • We are cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces and objects. We also have hand sanitizer available.

If you would like to conduct any services from Redvine virtually please reach out to us today to schedule your appointment.